Monday, 24 April 2023

Tuesday 4.25

Today we read through the story and talked about Leonardo Da Vinci.  Then we did a page in the Notebook.

This is the homework for tonight:



1. _______________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________

3. read Leonardo’s Horse

4. _______________________________________________

This is the vocabulary list with English definitions that I handed out today:

W11 Leonardo’s Horse Vocabulary Words

Spelling Words


1. achieved (v)

successfully brought about or reached (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.

2. architect  (n)

a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction.

3. bronze  (n)

an alloy consisting primarily of copper, commonly with about 12–12.5% tin and often with the addition of other metals

4. cannon  (n)

a large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.

5. fashioned (v)

used materials to produce (something).

6. depressed (adj)

(of a person) in a state of unhappiness or despondency.

7. midst (n)

the middle part or point.

8. philosopher (n)

a person engaged or learned in philosophy

9. rival (n)

a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.

Meaning Words


10. waterproof (adj)

impervious to water by some special process, as coating or treating with rubber.

11. courthouse (n)

a building in which a judicial court is held.

12. lightweight (adj)

weighing only a little or less than average.

13. tablespoon (n)

is a unit of measure equal to 1/16 cup, 3 teaspoons, or 1/2 fluid ounce in the USA.

14. teaspoon (n)

a small spoon used typically for adding sugar to and stirring hot drinks or for eating some foods.

15. earthquake (n)

a sudden violent shaking of the ground, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.

16. fishhook (n)

a piece of metal or other hard material curved or bent back at an angle, for catching hold of or hanging things on.

17. greenhouse (n)

a glass building in which plants that need protection from cold weather are grown.

18. grasshopper (n)

a plant-eating insect with long hind legs which are used for jumping and for producing a chirping sound.

19. rowboat (n)

a small boat propelled by use of oars; a rowing boat.

20. spotlight (n)

a lamp projecting a narrow, intense beam of light directly on to a place or person, especially a performer on stage.

21. homesick (adj)

experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it.

22. scrapbook (n)

a book of blank pages for sticking cuttings, drawings, or pictures in.

23. blindfold (n/v)

a piece of cloth tied round the head to cover someone's eyes.

24. hummingbird (n)

a very small, brightly coloured bird with a long, thin beak, whose wings move very fast and make a humming noise.

25. barefoot (adj/adv)

not wearing any shoes or socks.

26. countryside (n)

land not in towns, cities, or industrial areas, that is either used for farming or left in its natural condition.

27. postcard (n)

a card, often with a photograph or picture on one side, that can be sent without an envelope

28. whirlpool (n)

a powerful, circular current of water that can pull objects down into its center.

29. thumbtack (n)

a short, sharp pin with a flat, round top, used especially for putting up notices.

30. invention (n)

something that has never been made before.


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